What We Do
Thinc Design exists to provoke meaningful conversations about the world in which we live. Through designing exhibitions and attractions as diverse as art museums, science centers, aquaria, zoos and brand experiences, we transform how people think about the world and each other. We believe museums and exhibitions have the power to enhance civic life by generating new understanding and fostering new relationships among users.
We continually question an exhibition's reason for being. How do we memorialize the past? How do we speak concretely to the future? What is the core of a collection or a story? How do different people engage? What creates communities? In essence, what should 21st century cultural institutions look like and what can they do for people?
Many of our projects are essentially joyous and playful but we also take on complex social and human issues. In so doing we face head-on the challenge of sharing problematic and conflicting narratives with people who are often visiting during their leisure time.
Click here to view our portfolio.

How We Do It
Visual exhibits of one form or another have been integral to our cultural lives for centuries. From prehistoric cave paintings, through cabinets of curiosities and today's digital spectacles, conversations around objects of history, science and art are what make us human.
Our aim is to stimulate new conversations, first by listening and then talking to the client and to their communities. We ask a lot of questions, usually beginning with "Why you? Why here? Why now?" Then we roll up our sleeves with architects and engineers, curators and educators, imagineers and all the other 'eers' whose expertise we channel to create compelling experiences.
Everyone says it, but collaboration REALLY is fundamental to what we do. Clients bring us a deep knowledge of their institutions and users. We bring global experience and a thirst for discovery. Together we build something that ripples out through time and space and leaves its mark on the social and cultural fabric of the 21st century.
In addition to exhibition design, Thinc stretches the boundaries of interactive technologies. In our VR lab we dive deep into Augmented and Virtual Realities and are developing expertise in brain-computer interfaces and innovating in mobile and social software. If that's too tech for your needs we also excel at a wide range of analogue skills like creating new concepts, master-planning, habitat design, storytelling, script-writing and project delivery.