Tom Hennes Featured on VOICES FROM ROOM Podcast
Episode 33 of Voices from ROOM: A Podcast for Analytic Action, “Architecture of Remembrance” is now available wherever you listen to podcasts.
This week, hosts Aneta Stojnić and Isaac Slone speak with Tom Hennes, founder of Thinc Design. Hennes discusses his apprehension around the phrase "Never Forget" and its possible weaponization against accurate social and political memory. Through theory, fieldwork, and history, Hennes demonstrates how his past design work in the 9/11 Memorial Museum and his current work reshaping Riker's Island are impacted by a need for dialogue to create truly restorative justice.
Read Tom's work in ROOM:
"The problem with traumatic loss is that it cannot be forgotten. Cannot even easily be placed in time so that it will cease to be an ever-present simulacrum of reality. I am coming to the idea that Never Forget is directed in a constraining way toward those inside these events." — Tom Hennes, "We Say 'Never Forget'" ROOM 6.24